Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Facebook Fast

So I'm fasting a bit from Facebook.

And it's hard. Really hard. It's hard because my sister just had her teeth removed and that's so many excellent FB statuses (like I am 100% honest when I say that she woke up in the recovery room and began reading the instructions on the side of a wet wipe container with great detail to her recovery room roommate in a very loud voice). It's hard because I'm living at home and there's not much going on except what my parents have to do etc. I'm an extrovert. I get energy from others. It's a bit difficult to get human interaction when I have no friends to feed my emotions. It's strange strange strange to have nothing to do when you're terribly bored. But if nothing else, I've figured out just how much I'm addicted to FB. I AUTOMATICALLY type in "f" in the bar at the beginning of the day, in the middle of the day, at the end of the day... whenenever I'm doing nothing else. It's almost disturbing how often this happens.

Do I need to know what Suzy Lou Freebush just had for lunch and then Instagramed it? No. Do I need to see the new, organic 100% post consumer fedora that Hipster Chipdougal ironically bought at the local Farmer's Market? No. Do I need to know that Joebob Jones just got married to Jane Doe-Smith? Maybe... if I see Joebob and Jane in the next 5 days... or the next 5 years... or if I ever see them again... ever.

There's a big wide world of "people, lookatmes" who make their social platform Facebook. I'm pleased that it IS a social platform on which most people attempt to spell well, be informed, and try not to be TOO insulting. There are, of course, exceptions to these rules, but for the most part, everyone is pretty well behaved and polite. This is probably because your picture is RIGHT THERE. There's no anonymity with facebook. I KNOW who you are. You know who I am... based on my "maps" you know around where I live... and if you check out a person's statuses and information long enough, you can figure out where they go to school, went to school or where they work. Anyone on facebook has the potential to become a stalker. We all trust each other enough not to become a stalker. I'm not sure we SHOULD be trusting each other this much, but as I have gathered from personal experience, the things we should do are usually not the things we actually do.

FOR EXAMPLE. I should not have wasted... 6 years of my life... on FB. But I probably did. These are years I'm not getting back. These are hours and hours I could have spent sleeping, talking to friends, sleeping, doing homework, looking for jobs and sleeping. Did I need that sleep? Yes. Yes, I did.

So I'm not staying off of FB for too long. I'm going to see how long I can last... I might make it to the 40 days I should have given up for Lent. Though giving anything up for lent is just so cliche... and I can never do it. I've never given up a single thing for lent that I've been able to maintain for 40 days. It's tough. I know a guy I've been talking to on FB that I really want to keep talking to... but I also don't want him to think that I'm stalking him.... on FB. < Read this sentence... for it shall be deleted in a week.... if I remember to delete it.

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