Sunday, September 28, 2008

Well, you have to understand...

and then... oh, who are you?

Again, I guess you found me, or I found you and then you found me. Well, anyway, one of us found each other, so I guess nothing can be done about that...

Well, what do you want to do now that you're here. I mean, there isn't much to do except keep reading then, isn't there? But then I suppose that's why you clicked on my link is to read my post. Or perhaps you did it to find out who I am, then. Well, it isn't much of a mystery if you know who I am in the first place.

I'm kind of hungry right now. How do you feel, being drawn into a stream of consciousness blog? Where I just write whatever comes to my mind first... it's kind of like surrealist artists. Some of them just did this form of free writing only it was art where they just sort of let the pen or paintbrush go wherever the heck it wanted to. It ended up in these really organic shapes. It was pretty fascinating if you like that sort of thing. Art history could get really boring at times, I mostly fell asleep in that class, but I guess I learned something. You know, they make you take that class as an art major.

You know, I always wonder how much I'm actually learning at school. Here I am at this fancy school with thousands of cool, very smart people who are all in different majors learning 'things.' And because it's liberal arts we learn so much stuff that crosses with other classes. It's crazy. But as an art major, I guess I'm learning more skill than anything else so I feel like a complete loser because I can't really 'discuss' art in a very intelligent manor because there's not much to discuss. Other majors come up with interesting topics. You know, they all discuss like... Victorian literature and Freudian theories and fiscal something and what do I have? The... color wheel. I have complementary colors... oh boy! But then I come up with crazy art terms that I have no idea how they came into my vocabulary at all... like organic shapes. Who knows what that means? I do... but even my knowledge of that isn't very impressive. I don't know. Maybe I'll learn something yet.