Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Problem With Blogs

Ok, so I am thinking about starting a new blog.

Not that I don't like this one, it's just this one tends to get personal on occasion, not overtly personal, just stuff I wouldn't want my mom to read (and if she does read it, I wouldn't like to know.) The reason for starting a new blog would be for... *gasp,* dare I say it? Resume material. Apparently, nowadays, an artist is nothing without an "internet presence." My only problem is, that blog would be for "business" yet I'd still have to say interesting things about life and such. I'd also have to keep it up at LEAST once a week or maybe once every other week. And as you can tell, I am sure, I have a hard time updating this one.

I like writing. I like writing about personal stuff. I have at least twenty or so blogs in my draft section of this site which no one will ever see because when I started writing them, they sounded good, but by the time I got about half-way through they either sounded stupid or were far too personal. I don't want this to turn into my high school Xanga (which is oddly kind of like a myspace. It was nice for a while, but it's now considered pretty much a high school/jr. high sort of thing... except for the realm of music apparently.) where it was a mix of completely banal everyday/commonplace activities (like dances and tests and sports games and such) and angsty high school drama.

I have far more than enough angst to fill a blog to overflowing I'm sure. But I don't WANT to do that. I read that stuff and think "What was I DOING? People don't want to hear this crap..."

I don't think many people at all read this blog. Which is ok for me... I can be deep and personal (to some degree) without feeling like I'm going to get judged for my opinion by too many people, but now I'm thinking about branching out.

Should I take a leap? I probably will I'd just like some moral support. Furthermore, what will this look like? Should I journal? Should I take pictures of my artwork? Should I... what should I do?

I'm running low on room in my current sketchbook, so I am thinking of getting a new one of those... and then drawing in it every day. I think I am going to make that my goal... to draw in my new sketchbook at least one thing every day.

What do I do, my friends?